Artist Statement
I make paintings, drawings, and maps of landscapes that strike my inspiration with the power of their presence. With a focus on the beauty that surrounds us here in the Pacific Northwest, I am constantly inspired by the dynamic character of each region. Certain vistas like Mt Hood or the Columbia River Gorge and its dramatic transformation from east to west imprint themselves in my mind, driving me to explore their varying forms and colors repeatedly using different media. I depict these variations in ways that are both realistic and imagined, as a way of meditating on them further and seeking to express different qualities of the landscape’s character. Honing in on a landscape’s overall sense of movement, its balance of light and dark through the use of warm and cold colors, not only brings a landscape to life, but makes me contemplate the delicate balances within us all that are mirrored in the landscape.
I work with colored pencil, ink, water media, and oil paint on paper and wood to highlight different qualities of a landscape. For instance, black ink lines can depict specific details, while broad strokes of oil paint make it possible to capture a greater sense of movement and define bold forms. I often exaggerate colors and play with the opposing balance of warm and cool because of the way this intrinsic duality brings things to life. Using a natural material like wood, gives me a deeper sense of connection to the landscapes that inspire me. Working on site and from my imagination and bringing attention to both micro and macro perspectives of the same landscape enable me to become more present with the place I am depicting and its relationship to the world as a whole. With these paintings and drawings I hope to illustrate a landscape’s ability to inspire a deeper state of reflection and connection, and in turn, foster a greater awareness and respect for the natural world we inhabit.